Are You Walking it Off?

I did.

Awaiting hip replacement has been an incredibly emotional, letting go of sorts for me. Letting Go of what I “think” I can Control and Embrace what I Actually” CAN” CONTROL.

Yes, there is a difference.

Remember the Serenity Prayer?

I have always just pushed faster and harder when I’ve had to. “Walk it off ,”mentality, painful on many levels…, keep going, you have deadlines…headstrong…exhausted …

If you are “In Your Pain,” you are not at your best but you are doing the best you can. Each day is different, pain and tolerance wise. You need a break.

When you can no longer walk it off and your days become a blur of pain, inside and out, it is time. Time to make time to heal.

Time to Focus on You.

Are you in a “walk it off,” mentality ?

Maybe it is Time.

Time to Heal

New Moon Renewal

Here’s to old, New Beginnings
And Opening our Hearts to Love


Breathe in Abundance, Clarity and Renewal.

Ask yourself , “what am I feeling overrun with? things ? unpredictable emotions? tasks ? people? work? family? friends ?”

Exhale All that does not Come from a place of Love.


Let it Goooo!!!

Repeat until you feel it❤️

#From the Heart

The New Moon Awaits❤️

What brings out the FIGHT IN YOU?

Well? What makes you want to Get Up?

For me..



I stand up for those less able to whenever I can .

Hope you all stand in your truth and give a helping hand when you can.

Small or larger actions , they All Matter❣️

I imagine you yourself can think of a time when SOMEONE HELPED YOU WHEN You NEEDED IT MOST.

Did you pay them back in full by Passing it Forward or Living Your Best Blessed Life!?

Or was a good deed wasted on you because you took for granted what so selflessly was given?

Have you Ever FORGOTTEN IT? Probably not .

Acts of kindness are life changing❤️

These are examples of good souls leading with kindness, Fighting the Good Fight❣️

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